Individual Psychotherapy
Psychotherapy engagement may help you develop integrative strategies to alleviate distress, renew capacity for secure attachments, and increase your agency for self-regulation and fulfillment.
You will meet with Janelle for an initial intake appointment to discuss your status, developmental history, and treatment goals. Ongoing session appointments typically last 45-60 minutes.
Your engagement may be in-office, virtual, or a combination of both.
Treatment length varies by individual.
Payment & Insurance
Payments are accepted by debit or credit charge upon the time-of-service.
Out of pocket expenses often range, and are determined by your personal insurance benefits and preferred payment methods. Insurance payers provide reimbursement according to your personal medical plan benefits, diagnosis, and service codes. It is recommended to check with your insurance health plan before initiating treatment to learn more about your treatment fee reimbursement options.
Sliding Scale may be available to support treatment accessibility and continuity
DSM V & ICD 10
Initial Diagnostic Evaluation 60 minutes - $250
Psychotherapy 45 minutes - $200
Psychotherapy 60 minutes - $225